Blog Monday, January 13 2020
No material is everlastingly durable and leak-proof when it comes to gutters. You could even say that it’s in a gutter’s eventual destiny to leak. Whether it’s galvanized steel or PVC, a time will come when nothing—no matter how tensile—can stop the gutter from leaking. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be prevented or anticipated in advance to minimize risks and damage. Identify the causes, and you’ll have solved half the problem. And the problem usually begins with one of these: misplaced joints, cracks, and holes. Misplaced JointsBy far the most common cause of leaking gutters, there can be a variety of reasons that leads to them. Improper jointing is one of them. Elbow joints are the most vulnerable to improper installation, although other joints can also be susceptible. The simple explanation is this: a misplaced joint stops water from draining through its proper channel and path, eventually forcing the water to leak out some other way—and that’s how leaks occur. Additionally, a joint that is itself a crack can easily leak. These problems are fixed by repositioning or replacing the connector. CracksGalvanized steel, the most popular and inexpensive material used for gutters, also happens to be the one most vulnerable to cracks. Usually, a new paint job is required every few years, and this time limit can be further shortened depending on the weather of the area. If it’s colder than the steel can take, it will fracture, and the paint will begin to tear away. The seams are the most vulnerable, closely followed by gutter nails and braces. HolesHoles are usually caused by the passage of time. The older the gutter, the greater the chances of holes developing in it. Additionally, they can also be caused by water that has pooled and rusted in certain areas. The rust causes the metal to wear away and the result is a leak. Pooling can also be caused by a collection of debris—such as leaves—inside the gutter. Rusting and corrosion are the inevitable results, followed by leaks. Seamless Gutter Installation ServicesCrown Seamless Gutters provides top quality seamless gutters in Palm Beach County and other nearby areas. We also provide custom-made miters, rain chains, and more. Reach out to us online to find out if we have what you’re looking for. You can also give us a call at (800)803-5404. |